It may appear that you are constantly required to complete forms wherever you go nowadays, and your massage therapist is no different! However, there are important reasons why we request you to fill out our Client Intake Form before we begin working with you. These reasons are crucial for ensuring that we can maximize the benefits of your massage session.
Why do we need information from you?
Providing us with information about your background, current health status, and any concerns you may have allows us to better tailor our approach. Additionally, it helps us understand your expectations regarding the massage therapy session.Â
Every person is unique and the way our bodies respond to different diseases and conditions is also unique. It is crucial to recognize the particular symptoms you are facing and their impact on your well-being to identify the most suitable treatment. Thus, a thorough Client Intake Form is vital for gathering all the necessary details that your therapist needs to develop a personalized session or treatment plan for you.
Avoiding problems
Aside from informing us about your needs, a Client Intake Form also assists us in determining what actions to avoid. Certain therapies, treatments, and essential oils commonly used in aromatherapy may not be suitable for pregnancy or other medical conditions. Being aware of this in advance allows us to customize your treatment plan to steer clear of anything that might pose a risk to your well-being.
What to expect in a Client Intake Form
It is important for a comprehensive Client Intake Form to inquire about your medical background, encompassing past medical history, current medications, pregnancy status, accidents, injuries, surgeries, and any medical conditions that may impact your treatment.
Please inform the therapist about any concerns you are currently facing, no matter how minor they may seem. For instance, if you experience frequent stress headaches, the therapist can identify muscle knots and tension that might be contributing to the issue, and focus on addressing them during the massage session.
Once we have received and evaluated your intake form, we will ask about your preferences for the massage or treatment to gain a clearer understanding of your needs. You will also be able to address any questions to your therapist prior to the initial session.
Completing the Client Intake Form thoroughly is crucial for both you and your therapist to ensure you receive a massage that effectively addresses your needs.